No funeral ceremony for Karl Lagerfeld Following his wishes, the designer will be cremated. “There will be no burial, rather than die,” said Karl Lagerfeld in April 2018, in an interview with “Number” magazine. Before adding: “Since these dark stories of the Hallyday family, where the funeral at the Madeleine seemed like a farce, I asked that I be incinerated and that my ashes be dispersed with those of my mother… and those of Choupette if she dies before me.” The day after his death, the designer spokesman brand confirms to AFP that no ceremony will be held. “His wishes will be respected.” “If one day I die, I do not want a burial ceremony,” said Karl Lagerfeld on “Le Divan” a talk show hosted by Marc-Olivier Fogiel. “I find it horrible, I just want to disappear like the animals of the jungle, it’s horrible to clutter people with their remains.” As he wanted, the artistic director of Chanel must be cremated, and his ashes join to those of his mother and some o...